Friday, September 03, 2004

Is the country truly devided?

I continually hear the media proclaiming that the country is devided between Democrats and Republicans, conservatives versus liberals. They could not be further from the truth. What I have witnessed over the years is that the electorate is neither conservative nor liberal but a combination of both. In fact I believe that the country is becoming more unified. What we witness in the news are the views of the extremists and dinasaurs of the past and the great majority is ignored.

If any one of the political pundits sat down in a bar or in the livingroom of a typical American home, they would find that we all have differing views on the critical issues facing our country.

If you asked me how I feel about 10 key issues you could not pin me down to either party.
1) Gun control- I believe that we need more gun control. Liberal
2) I support the notion of Gay marriage-Liberal
3) I believe that Abortion is murder - Conservative
4) I believe that tax cuts are good for economic growth - Conservative
5) On the issue of Iraq? We need to deal with our enemies BEFORE they attack us, rather than wait to be attacked.- Conservative
6) Health Care-I believe that we need some sort of basic catastrophic health care system and a strong preventive health care program nationally funded.- Liberal

The above is just a sampling of the schitzophrenic thinking that I believe permeates the American political culture.

I am torn in this election. On the issues of Iraq, national security and the economy, I am completely behind our President.

On the issues of health care, gay rights, and supreme court appointments, I prefer John Kerry. The country is not devided, all of us are divided internally and during the past few months I have vacilated between Bush and Kerry. I don't know how I will end up voting.