Monday, July 26, 2004

What to expect!

I will write about the things that inspire me most.   I do have a background in politics.  But as I said, I am not be holden to any Dogma, religious or political.   I will be watching and reading the news.  When I see important information, I will post.  My goal is to ASK QUESTIONS.    In the arena of politics, there is the Republincan side and the Democratic side.  I am interested in the the truth which I call the "Third Side."


I am brand new at "blogging." I don't even know what it means or how it started but I think that it is the beginning of the new world order. Gosh, what a statement!

A couple of years ago, there was a documentary on some cable channel that listed the 1000 most important people of the last millenium. Many of the top 100 are well known; Albert Einstein, FDR, RWR, Galileo, Newton, Loyala, and for worse Hitler and Stalin. The writers decided that Guttenburg was the most impotant person of the Millenium. I was both surprised and after thinking it through impressed. The argument was that Guttenburg's invention of the printing press was the catalyst for the spread of information that changed the world.

Prior to Guttenburg. information was controlled by and large by the Roman Catholic Church. In their world, the church was the "Truth" the Pope was infallable and what came down from the pulpit was the word of God. I don't know anything about Guttenburg, other than that he first started printing copies of the the Bible. Jerry Falwell would be proud!

But the significance of this invention was truly phenominal. For the first time in the long history of mankind, we had an opportuniity to "say something" and have it distributed to as many people as we can physcally reach.

Now almost 1500 years later, we can now reach as many people as can find our website. 1500 YEARS! That is a hell of a long time. What happened in the interim? We relied on the emergence of the "PRESS." The printed media that began following Guttenburg's invention, and eventually led to radio and then television. That sitll took over1500 YEARS!

We had been subject to recieving information through the filter of the "NEWS" media. And they have done an admirable job. Certainly imperfect at worst, the profesional news organizations have attempted to develop the processes necessary to deliver accurate and unbiased news. Thank you Johan Guttenburg.

Now, with the invention of the internet, it is the time for all of us to add to the social discourse and contribute to the information revolution. I, for one feel that now I may add something to world thought, as small as my voice is.

For all of you that are participating in this new, exciting revolution; read, listen, think and respond. I am convinced that we as an interested and caring people will search out the truth and find real answers to the worlds problems! I am so excited!